Thursday, June 7, 2012

Secret Thursday: Composition, the golden spiral and rule of thirds

I learnt these compositional techniques in art class and they really relate to photography.  There's a few out there but I probably use these the most and now I seem to apply them subconsciously.  I tried placing the spiral on two images I'm editing in photoshop and they fit pretty well.  So next time you're composing a photograph, have a think about using these techniques.

Fibonacci spiral or Golden Spiral:
The spiral was first discovered by Pythagoras in 5th Century B.C.  It comes from the Fibonacci sequence: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144 etc.  This is the result of adding the two previous numbers together to get the next number.  To put it simply, the spiral is made from making a square from original rectangle which will leave a new rectangle.  A new square is then cut from this leftover rectangle, leaving another rectangle to cut a square from and so on.  The spiral can be found everywhere from nature to architecture to paintings.  The idea in photography is that images are aesthetically pleasing to the eye when the focal point of the image lies under the centre of the spiral.

 Rule of Thirds:

Pretty self explanatory the frame is divided into three equal parts, horizontally and vertically (the spiral is a little different to thirds).  Our natural tendency is to frame whatever we’re taking a photograph of in the centre, where as if we place the point of focus over one or more of the point where the thirds meet then it is often creates a much more interesting composition.


  1. Thanks so much for your comment, glad to hear :)
    I did'nt do anything particularly special over the Jubilee weekend, it was just amazing having those extra days off :D
    It was so wierd reading this,it took me straight back to college when I was doing Fine Art and was tourt all this,a painting and photo isnt just a painting or a photo, alot of work has gone into getting the right shot,composition,focal point.
    I think I have bad internet connection and cant see any of your lovely pictures,so I'll pop back later and check this post out again x
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  2. you should definitely share some photos to illustrate the whole thing. I would love to see more of your creation :) btw, I also think that when taking photos it's more interesting to focus on a corner for an example, not always the centre point.

    Maikeni blogi - part of me

  3. hey nice blog there..... want to follow each other??? check out my blog and follow me.., i'll follow ryt back..

  4. De nuevo por tu casa, disfrutando de tus imágenes.

    Saludos y un abrazo.

  5. Following you back sweety (: Nice post !

  6. You're blog is really awesome with all your posts! Keep it up! :)

    Bissous x

  7. Thank you for your nice comment :)

  8. Lovely post!


  9. De nuevo por tu casa, disfrutando de las cosillas que nos dejas.

    Saludos y un saludo.

  10. Those are two good tips, I'll try them sometime.

    / Avy

  11. Really i love your blog, follow u


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