Tuesday, December 7, 2010

i am louise canton

....here i am, it was my birthday a couple of days ago, so here's my birthday suit.  I've always liked portraits of the nude form, i would love to take some nudes outside but to find models would probably be pretty difficult.  to take a nude self portrait is also pretty difficult.  this is my start.


  1. this is a lovely image. You look nice. The pose is modest yet alluring and the bokeh with the random stuff is cool. The light works wonderfully. Cheers!


  2. lookin good... love the vintage look... ;-) nice bod. (from what we see lol

  3. My name is Ryan Winckler and i just saw this posted on Facebook by somebody else and did the search to find the photographer and found you! I would really like to purchase this as a print (the black and white version or the color) how would i go about doing so?!?!

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